Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Message from Dean Kamen for FLL- FIRST teams

Important Message from Dean Kamen: FLL - FIRST/TWC Partnership in the US

From: fllteams [mailto:fllteams@usfirst.org]
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 3:23 PM
Subject: FLL - FIRST/TWC Partnership in the US!

This message is directed at FLL Teams in the US.

From the Desk of Dean Kamen --

Hello FIRST Teams, Mentors, Coaches, Volunteers, Sponsors, and the entire FIRST Community.

I have an unscheduled, urgent assignment that will help us spread the word about FIRST and our mission in a new and exciting way.

This month, Time Warner Cable (TWC) will launch a new partnership with FIRST in the United States. We need to make sure the launch is successful, specifically the launch of TWC's new web site, http://connectamillionminds.com, which celebrates youth participation in science and technology. I'm asking you – through your incredible participation on the site - to let the executives and employees of TWC know that partnering with FIRST is the best decision they ever made. That's right, The Best. Ever.

Here's more on what I'm asking you to do and why...

What is the FIRST / Time Warner Cable Partnership?
It's a partnership that will put FIRST teams and events on TV and on the Web. TWC is investing $100 million (cash and in-kind) over 5 years in STEM. (No, not all of it in FIRST).

What is “Connect A Million Minds”?
It's the name and the goal of TWC's program - to connect a million kids to STEM. It's also the name of the TWC web site – http://connectamillionminds.com - where you can take the pledge to introduce young people to STEM programs – like FIRST – and inspire others to do the same.

Why is this web site launch important?
TWC is going to promote this website like crazy. By giving FIRST a priority presence on the site (we are the one and only group invited to participate BEFORE the site launches!), your photos and pledges can be the first thing visitors see!

What I'm asking you to do:

1. Visit http://www.connectamillionminds.com. As a beta user, you will have exclusive access to the site with the following (case sensitive) username and password -- username: RobotZ, password: Rule

2. Take the Pledge – commit to introduce one, ten, a hundred youth! to FIRST and STEM opportunities

3. Then click on “The Wall” and post an inspiring FIRST photo and a few words about how you connected young people to STEM programs

4. Send us your feedback. E-mail your comments and suggestions for the Connect a Million Minds site to TWC.Camm@twcable.com

Show TWC that FIRST is the best partner they've ever had!

When I'm asking you to do it:
FIRST will have special access to the beta site from 11/2 – 11/8, so you need to take the pledge and upload your content by November 8th. The official site launches to the public a few days later.

I look forward to seeing your content and hearing the reactions of TWC executives to the energy and commitment of the FIRST community. Thank you for all you do for FIRST!

Dean Kamen

FIRST(R) LEGO(R) League (http://firstlegoleague.org) | fllteams@usfirst.org | +1 603-666-3906, 800-871-8326 | FIRST(R) (http://usfirst.org) - 200 Bedford Street – Manchester NH USA 03101

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