Sunday, April 18, 2010

Call for WorldFest 2010 Photos

If you've got WorldFest 2010 Photos, please let us know! I'd like to be able to post links to Flickr or other photo albums if our readers are willing to share.

As soon as Joe Meno, editor of BrickJournal posts his annual collection of WorldFest photos, I'll share the news. Alas, my digital camera died after taking just 3 pictures... but those 3 pictures are great, I promise! (Okay, maybe not... )

We had a LOT of MCPers at this event, so I'm also hoping we can help you put names to faces for some of them. The LEGO booth was a fun place to be, with plenty of sample robots, including the famous Wall-E.

Next year - St. Louis, Missouri! I'm looking forward to it!

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