Monday, September 20, 2010

First LEGO League Apps - Part 2

On the iPad/iPhone front, Sachin Patel has created a new app for the FLL Body Forward (click the link for details or serach for FLL Body Forward Scorer in iTunes) competition. Here are his details, along with some screenshots I took of the app on my iPad:

FLL Body Forward Scorer lets you score, time, and email your First Lego League Body Forward runs quickly and intuitively on your iPhone or iPod touch. It's $0.99 from the Apple App Store.

From Sachin: As far as the Robotic Sensitivity picture bug and the Game Q&A linking to last year's website, as well as a bug that occurs with resetting sometimes, I've already fixed those and submitted an update to Apple that should be available in about a week.You don't have to delete the app when you're finished! :)

The app is optimized for both iPhone and iPad, as well as the iPhone 4 retina display, without the need to purchase separate copies.

I ran the app... works great. When the timer gets down to 10 seconds, a beeping happens and then when time is up a distinctive buzzer alerts the scorer. Sachin has built in links to the Q&A and Project details provided by FIRST. And, as with all good app developers, Sachin is responding quickly to requests for bug fixes and requests for improving the app.

Thanks to Sachin for creating a nice looking app!

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