Thursday, November 11, 2010

Making the LEGO® MINDSTORM® Rosetta Lander

In this fantastic video by Lightcurve Films, you will get to know 3 Mindstorms experts; our own Martyn and his two friends Eric and Gerrit. This is a 33min long, highquality film with english subtitles. A must see if you're a Fan of LEGO Mindstorms.

of Lightcurve Films has this to say:
On 27 April 2010, I met Martijn Boogaarts for the first time. He had been indicated to me by Steven Canvin from the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® team.

I was working on an educational project around the European Space Agency (ESA) Rosetta Lander, involving making a LEGO® MINDSTORM® model of the lander that would resemble the real lander as close as possible and that could simulate some functionalities. I wanted to use it for an educational film. Detlef Koschny from ESA, and his son Julius, had made a nice prototype a few months earlier, but I needed specialists now to make a full working model.

I had managed to get the project supported by ESA, the German Aerospace Center, Europlanet and the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® team and so the time had come to start the preparations for the film.

In the next two months I visited Martijn and his two friends and colleague LEGO® MINDSTORMS® specialists Gerrit Bronsveld and Eric Steenstra regularly, following and recording their progress.

Here is the film that tells the story and shows what drives three grown-up men to play with LEGO.

The film is now part of the pilot educational kit 'Rosetta's Comet Touchdown'. See​channels/​ rosettascomettouchdown for all details, links to Press Releases and all other films in the kit.

Produced by Lightcurvefilms (© 2010).

Making the LEGO® MINDSTORM® Rosetta Lander from Lightcurve Films on Vimeo.

This video is Part 2 of the video presented earlier on this post:

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